Sunday, November 23, 2008

William Miller's WWI Diary-Part 4

Grandpa Miller takes a 55 mile hike to a new camp and begins to do what he was trained for: moving things by truck. He probably didn’t realize that he would be hauling dead horses. Then he goes by railroad to Stainville to join the offensive that ends the war.

William Miller Diary, August 10-September 16, 1918.

Aug. 10 Nice day All got up at 5 A.M. Made pack, and policed up broke camp and left for Redon at 6-25 A.M. passed through Bestle [Besle] arrived at Redon at 12 O’Clock. M. a dista__ of about 21 Kilometers

[The place mentioned on this hike can be found here.]

Aug. 11 Sunday. Nice day. I went on guard at 1(?)A.M. I was on guard untill 1 P.M. Was on pass to town in P.M. – went to Benediction at 7-30 in evening.

Aug. 12 Reville first call at 4-15 A.M. Broke camp at 6 A.M. reached Besanne(?)[Béganne] at 10-30 a distance of about 18 K.M.

Aug. 13 Nice day. First call at 4-30 A.M. Broke camp at 6 A.M. Hiked to Muzille a distance of 16 K.M. arrived at 10-15 O’Clock. about 4 K.M. from Bay.

Aug. 14 Nice day Had Reville and broke camp at same time as 13th. Arrived at Theix a distance of 15 K.M. at 10 Oclock Went in truck for swim in bay about 2 K away in P.M.

Aug. 15 Nice day Reville and broke camp same as 13th Hiked to Vannes a dis. of 9½ Km. thence to Camp DeMeucon a dis. of about 12½ K.M. or about 22 K.M. Went on truck Detail in P.M.

Aug. 16 Nice day Was on Truck detail all day hauling amm. to Artillery 75’s and 155’s.

Aug. 17 Nice day. Same as 16’th

Aug. 18 Sunday. Drivers and Assistants stood by trucks from Reville untill Retreat.

Aug. 19 Was on Truck detail all day same as 16th.

Aug. 20 Nice day. Same as 16th James Culbert came up in evening

Aug. 21 Same as 16th

Aug. 22 “ “ “

Aug. 23 “ “ “ and took outpost guard in evening got back at 11-35 P.M.

Aug. 24 Same as 16th

Aug. 25 Sunday Drivers and ass. stood by Trucks from Rev. untill Retreat

Aug. 26 On detail with truck hauling provisions. untill noon then went on detail driving Mac at M.T.S.

Aug. 27 On truck at M.T.O. hauling amm. from arsenel at Vannes to dump at Meucon.

Aug. 28 Same as 27th.

Aug. 30 Same as 27th, but hauled frieght from Vannes to Meucon. moved water pump, etc.

Aug. 31 Hauled amm. all day same as 27th.

Sept. 1 Sunday. Quite nice day didn’t do mutch.

Sept. 2 Hauled dead horses all day

Sept. 3 Worked on Gov. farm hauling rye

Sept. 4 Same as 3rd finished up at M.T.S.

Sept. 5 Nice day Drilled some in A.M.; Co. B. turned in 6 F.W.D. trucks and one Quad. and got 10 Quad. trucks from 104th Amm. Train

Sept. 6 Rainy. I was in Kitchen

Sept. 7 Regular Sat. Ins.

Sept. 8 Sunday Very rainy and disagreeable day

Sept. 9 Rainy and quite cold Turned in barrack bags and prepared to break Camp. went to Confession

Sept. 10 Rainy, quite cold I went to Communion Lounged around and prepared to leave

Sept. 11 Rained hard in morning. Left Camp Meucon at 8 P.M. rode to Vannes in trucks
Loaded them and other equipment on cars Worked untill about 3 A.M. of

Sept. 12 Train left Vannes at about 5 A.M. passed through Redon, Bestle [Besle] and Rennes at 11-05 A.M. and through Lavell [Laval] at 2-15 P.M. where We were served coffee thense through Leman [Le Mans] at 7-15 P.M. Rode All night

Sept. 13 Passed through Villenuve St. Georges at 8 A.M. through Cesson at 8-50 A.M. through
Melun at 9-10 A.M. through Montereau at 10 A.M. through Sens at 12-5 A.M.
through Laroche at 1-40 P.M. Through Brienon (?) at 2-10 P.M. Through St. Florentin-
Vergigny at 2-30 P.M. Through Ervy 3-45 P.M. arrived at Longeville [Laneuville] at about 1 A.M. of

Sept. 14 Left station at 1-30 and hiked about 15 K.M. to Stainville. arrived at 7 A.M. were
billeted in old barns moved three times from one part of town to another. After dinner
All rerolled packs and moved in trucks, could not find billets so all put up shelter

Sept. 15 Sunday. Nice day, All struck tents at about 7-15 A.M. No passes issued Battallion left

Sept. 16 On guard over salvage material etc all day staid in camp all night

The places mentioned on the train journey are mapped here:

View Larger Map

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