Saturday, November 22, 2008

William Miller's WWI Diary-Part 3

Eight months after enlisting, William Miller boarded the USS Siboney and headed for France with the 80th Division. They landed in Bordeaux, France where they stayed at Camp Genecarte. I have not been able to locate where that Camp was and have found few references to it. Based on those, it seems to have been across the Garonne river from Bordeaux near Cenon. After resting for six days, they boarded a train and headed to Brittany where the Division remained for the summer drilling, getting equipped, hiking and preparing for gas attacks.

The locations mentioned in the diary during this period are marked on this map:
(Click to enlarge)

William Miller Diary, May 25-August 10, 1918.

May 25 All got up at 4-15 A.M. Breakfast at 4-30 then policed up barracks untill about 6-30 then lined up and marched to station left camp on train about 8 O Clock arrived at Norfolk 11-30 A.M. and went on board U.S.S. Siboney at abut 2 P.M.

May 26 Sunday. Nice day. Our ship left Norfolk at 10-45 A.M. All attended drills and lectures most all day. left at 5 P.M.

May 27 Nice day. At sea all day. I was a little sick so stayed in quarters

May 28 Dark and foggy sea quite rough I was on guard duty.

May 29 Windy and sea very rough everybody sea-sick

May 30 Sea very rough, All sea-sick.

May 31 Same as 30th.

June 1 Sea quite rough

Jun. 2 Sunday. Quite nice day. getting over sea sickness.

Jun. 3 Weather fair uneventful.

Jun. 4 Same as 3rd.

Jun. 5 “ “

Jun. 6 Sea quite rough.

Jun. 7 Same as 3rd.

Jun. 8 Nice day I was on guard on board. We sighted land about 4 P.M.

Jun. 9 Nice day Sunday I was on guard untill 9 A.M. We landed (at) near Bordeaux at about 10 O’clock A.M. Hiked about 3½ miles to Rest Camp, Camp Genecarte, and had dinner about 2 P.M.

Jun. 10 Rained in afternoon and evening

Jun. 11 Nice day. Drilled in A.M. and went for hike in P.M.

Jun. 12 About same as 11th. Non-com’s went to town in evening.

Jun. 13 Nice day. Drilled in A.M. Wagonors went to Bordeaux at about 4 P.M. We got back to Camp at 11 P.M.

Jun. 14 Drilled in A.M. had ball game in P.M.

Jun. 15 Nice day All left Camp at about 6 A.M. Hiked about 2 mi. to station and entrained about 7 O’clock. traveled North-East all day all night untill Sunday. passed through _____ at 3-30

Jun. 16 Arrived at Redon at about 6 A.M. Detrained and put up shelter tents. stayed here all night

Jun. 17 Nice day, Had inspection and broke camp about noon. left Redon at 4-40 Arrived at La Shapell about 17 miles dis. at 8 Oclock. Billeted in barn over cowshed.

Jun. 18 Rained most all day. moved, put up tents in field near town

Jun. 19 Rained all night but got nicer in P.M. Drilled most all day

Jun. 20 Nice day Drilled all day I was on guard

Jun. 21 Same as 20th.

Jun. 22 Nice day We broke camp at La Shapell at about 11 A.M. moved about 2 miles to Brain located near canal

Jun. 23 Sunday, Nice day. I went up to church but could not wait for Mass as had to be present for Roll Call.

Jun. 24 Nice day Drilled all day were issued our steel helmets and rifle sheaths

Jun. 25 Nice day Drilled all day

Jun. 26 “ “ “ “

Jun. 27 “ “ “ “

Jun. 28 “ “ “ “

Jun. 29 Inspection for muster and checking up of equipment. I was on police detail

Jun. 30 Sunday Nice day Had muster at 10 O’clock A.M. I was to 11 O’clock Mass. Were issued gas masks.

July 1 Drilled all day I went on guard at 5 P.M.

July 2 Was on guard untill 5-30 P.M.

July 3 Nice day Drilled in A.M. I was out on truck in P.M.

July 4 Nice day. Had boring wrestling and raceing matches in A.M. ball games in P.M.

July 5 Drilled The remainder of gas-masks were issued I got mine All went through gas house – tear gas. I went on guard at 5 P.M.

July 6 Nice day, was on guard untill 1-30 P.M.

July 7 Nice day. Was to 11 O’clock Mass.

July 8 Same as 7th.

July 9 Rainy drilled same as usual.

July 10 Rainy same as usual

July 11 Rainy I was on kitchen police

July 12 Rainy Drilled all day

July 13 Rainy Drilled some no Inspection was too wet.

July 14 Sunday Rained I was to 11 O’clock Mass. guard bound and gagged at about 11-40 P.M. Were all called out and rool called.
[Presumably this was a training exercise to instill the importance of remaining alert always.]

July 15 Rained most of day Hiked and drilled most all day.

July 16 Quite nice day. Drilled all day.

July 17 Nice day. Had 3 hrs. hike in A.M. wearing gas masks. I was on detail cleaning masks in P.M.

July 18 Nice day. I was on water detail.

July 19 Drilled most of day, nice day Co’s reported equipped at 11-50 P.M.

July 20 Sat. regular Inspection. quite windy and rained in P.M.

July 21 Sunday. Was to 11 Oclock Mass. Went on guard at 1 Oclock P.M.

July 22 Was on guard untill 1 P.M. Rainy in P.M.

July 23 Rainy All went out for target practice but old [all?] men didn’t shoot

July 24 Rainy All hiked and drilled all day

July 25 Nice day. I was in kitchen

July 26 Nice day All hiked in A.M. with gas masks 2 hrs

July 27 Nice day but rained early in morning. Regular Inspec

July 28 Sunday. Nice day. I was to Mass. Non. Coms. went on Joy ride in P.M.

July 29 Drilled and moved to another field.

July 30 Nice day Was on water detail 2 hrs gas drill

July 31 Nice day Drilled in A.M. Wagoners and 1st Class Pvts. went in P.M. for instruction

Aug. 1 Same as usual

Aug. 2 Rainy day. I went on guard duty at 1 P.M.

Aug. 3 Rained hard in early morning guard house flooded. I was on guard untill 1 P.M. We got our pay in P.M. Got to Confession in afternoon.

Aug. 4 Nice day. Was up to Communion at 8 O’clock Mass held especially for us.

Aug. 5 Nice day Drilled same as usual Had afternoon off because of excellent tour of guard duty

Aug. 6 Nice day. All went on hike for 2 hrs gas.

Aug. 7 Nice day. All went on hike with packs in A.M.

Aug. 8 Drilled in A.M. All went for bath in P.M. and to gas school.

Aug. 9 Drilled in A.M. Had Ins. with packs and went swimming in P.M.

Aug. 10 Nice day All got up at 5 A.M. Made pack, and policed up broke camp and left for Redon at 6-25 A.M

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